Hello! And welcome to our Life Coaching and Self Help site. Many thanks for stopping by. We at Stimulus are here to help you make the best of your abilities, talents and skills and to assist you on your self help journey.
Our aim is for you to become successful in whatever sphere you are involved in. We're here to help you become the best you can possibly be, and we do this through Life Coaching, Wellness Coaching, and personal development workshops.
We have a wealth of information on here so please feel free to browse the site. We also appreciate your feedback, so do contact us to let us know how we can improve the site, or if there's anything we can do to help you further.
At the bottom of the page you will find three buttons that reflect the three areas we work in - Coaching, Energy Therapy and Training:
- 'Life Skills' takes you to our Life Coaching page
- 'Emotional Freedom' takes you to our Energy Therapy page
- 'Life Goals' takes you to our Personal Development Training page
All the best!
Carmen Gilfillan
If you value yourself, let STIMULUS Development & Training help you invest in your own personal growth, your life and your future.