Energy & Time Management
Being able to manage our time and energy are two essential ways of increasing the level of control we have in our lives as well as our personal development. Both time and energy are two of the most important aspects of our lives. Once we understand how we can work with time rather than against it, as well as when our energy levels are at their best we can begin to take powerful steps in improving our lives.
This workshop looks at both of these critical areas: your time is, and always will be, one of the most important resources you will ever have. Your energy levels play a vital role in allowing you to manage your life well and be on top of your game. Learning to manage the interaction between these two areas will put you streets ahead in terms of making things happen in your life. A further element that is taken into consideration in this workshop is your attention and how important it is to take control of this area in order to manage your time effectively and hence move your life forward.
Part of the workshop is allowing participants to work with a tool (the Time/Energy Management Tool - TEMT) which is specifically designed to look at the ways in which participants use their time and energy, and whether this is efficient.
The principle of the Time/Energy Management Tool, is to identify how best we operate as individuals: whether we tend to jump in with both feet, whether we start our tasks on a smaller scale, tinkering with the edges and gradually working our way in to the activity; or whether we tackle our activities in stages. The TEMT is designed to be flexible, allow you to plan your day in a way that conserves your energy and uses it in the most effective way possible in order to achieve your daily goals.
The aim of this workshop is twofold: to allow participants to understand the nature of time and the tricks it can play on our minds, and to appreciate the importance of energy and how it can be used.
The workshop is especially aimed at those with low energy levels and/or those who want more control over the way they manage their time and energy.
By the end of the Time & Energy Management session you will:
- Understand the definition of both energy and time management
- Be able to identify the different types of energy and their importance
- Know your own energy levels
- Understand and use the ‘Time/Energy Management Tool’
Click here to book a workshop