Minimising Stress, Maximising Relaxation
This workshop explores what stress is, looks at understanding the underlying causes of stress as well as the impact that stress has on both the body and our lives.
We all suffer from stress at some point in our lives whether we realise it or not. People generally understand the concept of stress, and that it can be a bad thing, but how many people know what stress actually does to the body? Do you know what stress is doing to your body? Do you understand on a physical level what is actually occurring in your body when you are in a state of stress? Can you recognise the psychological and physical symptoms of stress? An more importantly, if you can recognise them, do you know what to do in order to stabilise or even reverse those symptoms?
Negative stress keeps the body in a particular state (which is explained in detail in the workshop) that over time can be very damaging to the body because it can lead to a state of complete and utter physical and mental exhaustion. We often do not recognise that stress has taken hold of us until we are in this state of exhaustion, and we need to take weeks or even months off work to recuperate.
The workshop focuses on the impact of stress on the body, then gives concrete examples of ways to reverse this so that people can learn how to put themselves very quickly into a state of relaxation. It is in this state of relaxation that our brain waves become more subtle and we are able to access ideas, our creativity and more importantly solutions to our everyday issues.
The workshop also identifies ways in which we can:
- Relax, thereby…
- Reducing stress, and through this…
- Preventing stress from re-surfacing
Part of the workshop will involve participants looking at their own lives, identifying those areas that are, or potentially could become, stressful and devising steps they could take to relax, minimise stress and eventually eliminate it.
This workshop is aimed at those who are currently undergoing stress or those who just want to understand it and/or wish to know more about it. In terms of the benefits, you’ll come out of the workshop firstly feeling de-stressed, calm and relaxed. You will also walk away with concrete tools and techniques you can put into action immediately to minimise your stress levels and hence relax.
What you will learn on this minimising stress workshop:
- To understand what stress is
- How stress impacts the body and affects your personal development
- You will learn how to recognise the signs of stress
- Proven strategies to overcome stress
- How to relax in order to combat stress
Click here to book a workshop